The Division of Convict Criminology (DCC) believes that the voices of the formerly-incarcerated and system-contacted have been ignored in the disciplines of criminology, criminal justice, and corrections research, policy and practices.
The purpose of DCC is to provide an intellectual home for all scholars/scientists who are interested in the study of Convict Criminology.
The members of the DCC are students, researchers, and faculty members from diverse backgrounds—both with and without criminal records—that mentor formerly-incarcerated students and junior faculty, conduct relevant research, and advocate for progressive justice reform for formerly incarcerated individuals and all of society.
DCC firmly believes that a focused, rigorous, and scholarly examination of the system-impacted perspective in criminology can bring an exciting relevance to convict criminology in a manner which informs and educates the discipline of criminology and informs policy both now and in the future.